

This section outlines how to configure domains for your applications in Dokploy, ensuring that your applications are accessible via custom URLs.

Add Domain

Associate custom domains with your application to make it accessible over the internet.

  • Host: The domain name that you want to link to your application (e.g.,
  • Path: The specific path within the domain where the application should be accessible.
  • Container Port: The port on the container that the domain should route to.
  • Certificate: Select whether to secure the domain with SSL/TLS certificates. Dokploy supports automatic provisioning of SSL certificates via Let's Encrypt.
  • HTTPS: Toggle this on to enable HTTPS for your domain, providing secure, encrypted connections.

Steps to Add a Domain

  1. Click 'Add Domain'.
  2. Fill in the domain details, including host, path, and port.
  3. Choose to enable HTTPS and select a certificate option.
  4. Click 'Create' to apply the settings.

Generate Domain

Quickly set up a domain for development or testing purposes without needing to register a domain.

  • Generate TraefikMe Domain: Creates a free domain provided by TraefikMe. This is ideal for testing or temporary access before a proper domain is purchased.

Steps to Generate a Domain

  1. Click 'Generate Domain'.
  2. Choose 'Generate TraefikMe Domain' for a quick setup.
  3. A domain will be automatically assigned to your application.

Managing Domains

  • View and Modify: Existing domains are listed with options to edit settings or remove them.
  • Details: Each domain entry shows the configured host, path, port, and whether HTTPS is enabled.


Proper domain configuration is crucial for the accessibility and security of your application. Always verify domain settings and ensure that DNS configurations are properly set up to point to the correct IP addresses. Enable HTTPS to enhance security and trust, especially for production environments.

Important Clarification on Container Ports

The "Container Port" specified in the domain settings is exclusively for routing traffic to the correct application container through Traefik, and does not expose the port directly to the internet. This is fundamentally different from the port settings in the "Advanced -> Ports" section, which are used to directly expose application ports. The container port in the domain settings ensures that Traefik can internally direct traffic to the specified port within the container based on the domain configuration.

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