

Dokploy simplifies the management of Traefik configurations, streamlining the process for each application.


Whenever you create a new application in Dokploy, a corresponding Traefik configuration is automatically generated. This configuration is tailored to the needs of the new application, ensuring optimal performance and connectivity.


There are two main ways to manage your Traefik configurations in Dokploy:

Via Dashboard

  • Navigate to the /dashboard/traefik route.
  • This page provides a filesystem view of all Traefik configuration files, allowing for direct edits and reviews.

Via Application Settings

  • Go to the Advanced tab within your application's settings.
  • Scroll to the Traefik section at the bottom of the page.
  • Click on this section to view and modify the specific Traefik configuration file for your application.

These methods provide flexibility in how you manage and customize the routing and load balancing behaviors of your applications through Traefik within Dokploy.

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