

Dokploy includes a robust monitoring system designed to give you real-time insights into your applications, databases, and server performance.

Applications & Databases Monitoring

Monitor the performance of your applications and databases through the Monitoring tab:

  • Real-Time Metrics: If your application or database is running, you will see real-time data on CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.
  • Historical Data: For applications or databases that are not currently running, Dokploy displays the last recorded metrics.

Server Monitoring

Keep track of your server's overall performance using the Monitoring tab located at /dashboard/monitoring:

  • CPU Usage: View the current CPU load and usage patterns over time.
  • Memory Usage: Monitor how much memory is being used and how much is available.
  • Storage and Disk Usage: Check the total storage used and remaining, along with specific disk usage statistics.
  • Network Usage: Track inbound and outbound network traffic to understand bandwidth usage.

These monitoring tools in Dokploy provide essential data that helps you manage resources effectively, ensuring optimal performance of your server and hosted applications.

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