
Oracle Cloud

Deploy your application to Oracle Cloud


  1. Log in to Oracle Cloud
  2. Create a new Compute Instance
  3. Go to Image and Shape
  4. Select Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Shape
home og image
  1. Add SSH Key, make sure to add the public key of your SSH key
  2. Login to the instance ssh ubuntu@ip-address-of-instance

If you cannot access to the instance because you se connection refused error, you can try adding a Public Subnet IPv4 CIDR Block to the instance, go to your instance and then Quick Actions -> Connect public subnet to internet -> Create

  1. Run sudo su
  2. Run curl -sSL | sh
  3. By default oracle cloud have blocked the ports only the 22 is open, you can change in your instance -> attached VNICs -> click on subnet Link -> go to Security Lists -> Inbound Rules -> Click on default security list for vnc Link -> Go to ingress rules -> add a ingress rule -> on source CIDR and save.
  4. Go to ip-address-of-instance:3000 and you will see the dashboard.

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