

When using a domain for Dokploy, we offer 3 options for certificates:

  • Use None
  • Use a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt
  • Use a custom SSL certificate


Using None basically means we will not assign a tlsResolver, so your DNS provider can implement SSL certificates from their own server.

When you register a domain on Cloudflare, the SSL certificate is automatically assigned by Cloudflare, so you need to select None in Dokploy and disable HTTPS.

Let's Encrypt

Using a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt is the easiest option, but it comes with some limitations:

  1. Rate Limits: There are limits on the number of certificates you can issue per domain and account within specific time frames.
  2. Short Validity Period: Certificates are valid for only 90 days, but Traefik automatically renews them for you.
  3. Wildcard Certificates: While supported, obtaining wildcard certificates requires DNS-01 validation, which can be more complex.
  4. Domain Validation Only: Let's Encrypt only provides Domain Validation (DV) certificates, which means they only verify domain ownership, not the organization behind it.
  5. No Warranty: Certificates come without any warranties or liability coverage, which might not be suitable for all use cases.

Other Providers

For domains managed by providers other than Cloudflare, the process is simple:

  1. In Dokploy, select Let's Encrypt and enable HTTPS.
  2. Ensure your DNS records are correctly set up to point to your server.
  3. Traefik will handle the rest, and the certificate should be generated within about 20 seconds.

Cloudflare Setup

If your domain is managed by Cloudflare:

  1. Ensure your domain is set to Full (Strict) mode in Cloudflare.
  2. In Dokploy, select Let's Encrypt and enable HTTPS.

Steps for Cloudflare configuration:

  1. Log in to Cloudflare and navigate to Websites -> Your Domain -> SSL/TLS -> Overview.
  2. You will see 4 different modes (Off, Flexible, Full, Full (Strict)).
  3. To use Let's Encrypt, select Full (Strict).

Note: When creating a domain in your application, ensure you use the Let's Encrypt certificate and enable HTTPS. The generation of certificates typically takes about 20 seconds. If the certificate is not generated, restart Traefik and try again.

Custom SSL

We provide a way to create a certificate and have Traefik reference it, but that doesn't mean it will work automatically. You need to adjust the Traefik configuration to use it.

You can read more about how to create a custom certificate here.

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