
Web Domain Setup

This guide covers the basic setup of a main domain for your Dokploy panel.

DNS Setup

We'll use Cloudflare for DNS management, but you can use any provider. The steps should be similar.

  1. Log in to Cloudflare and navigate to Websites -> Your Domain -> DNS -> Records.
  2. Click on Add record, select A.
  3. Enter canary in the name field and your IP address (e.g., in the value field.
  4. Save the record. Your DNS record will be
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Dokploy Panel Setup

  1. Log in to your Dokploy panel.
  2. Navigate to /dashboard/settings/server.
  3. Under Server domain, set your domain to match the one configured in Cloudflare (e.g.,
  4. Choose your certificate option:
    • None
    • Let's Encrypt
  5. Access your panel via

For detailed instructions on setting up certificates, refer to the Certificates documentation.

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