

By default we include a set of templates, that you can use to spin up templates quickly. You can also create your own templates.


The following templates are available:

  • Pocketbase: Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file
  • Calcom: Open source alternative to calendly for scheduling meetings
  • Plausible: Open source analytics platform
  • Glitchtip: Simple tracking event error logging
  • Documenso: The Open Source DocuSign Alternative.
  • Grafana: Open source dashboard for your metrics
  • NocoDB:: Open Source Airtable Alternative
  • AppSmith: Open Source CRM Alternative
  • Meilisearch: A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
  • Odoo: Open Source ERP Alternative
  • Plausible: Open source analytics platform
  • Rocketchat: Open Source Chat Platform
  • Uptime Kuma: Open Source Uptime Monitoring
  • PhpMyAdmin: Open Source Database Administration
  • Minio: Open Source Object Storage
  • n8n: Open Source Workflow Automation
  • excalidraw: Open Source Collaborative Drawing Tool
  • Directus: The Modern Data Stack 🐰 — Directus is an instant REST+GraphQL API and intuitive no-code data collaboration app for any SQL database.
  • Baserow: Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards
  • Minio: Open Source Object Storage
  • Metabase: Open Source Business Intelligence
  • Grafana: Open Source Dashboard for your metrics
  • Wordpress: Open Source Content Management System

Create your own template

We accept contributions to upload new templates to the dokploy repository.

Make sure to follow the guidelines for creating a template:

Steps to create your own template

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