
SSH Keys

Configure your SSH keys to access your servers or clone Private Repositories.

Dokploy provides a section exclusively for SSH keys, allowing you to manage your SSH keys in a centralized location.

SSH Keys can be used for two purposes:

  • Private Repositories: You can use SSH Keys, to access to private repositories, this is only for Git provider in your application or docker compose.
  • Multi Server: You can use SSH Keys, to access remotely to your servers via SSH.

To create a SSH Key, is a very easy process, just click on Create SSH Key

We offer two SSH Keys Generation types:

  1. RSA Key: This is the most commonly used key type, and generates a 2048-bit RSA key.
  2. Ed25519 Key: This is a newer key type that generates a 256-bit Ed25519 key.

You can also create or paste your own SSH Key, you can edit the Private Key and Public Key fields without restrictions, make sure to use the correct format for the key type you are using.

Once you create a SSH Key you will not be able to read the Private Key anymore.

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