

Configure GitHub Container Registry to store your images and artifacts.

To configure a GitHub Container Registry, you need to fill the form with the following details:

  1. Insert the Registry Name eg. My Registry.
  2. Insert the Username eg. github_username.
  3. Insert the Password, you can use your own github password or generate a token here
  4. Click on Generate Token (Classic).
  5. Insert the Note Description eg. github_token.
  6. In permissions make sure to select write:packages.
  7. Click on Create.
  8. Copy the access token and paste it in Dokploy Modal as a Password field.
  9. (Optional) If you pretend to use Cluster Feature, make sure to set a Image Prefix.
  10. Registry URL: set
  11. Click on Test to make sure everything is working.
  12. Click on Create to save the registry.

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