
Docker Hub

Configure Docker Hub to store your images and artifacts.

To configure a Docker Hub registry, you need to fill the form with the following details:

  1. Insert the Registry Name eg. My Registry.
  2. Insert the Username eg. dockerhub_username.
  3. Insert the Password, you can use your own dockerhub password or generate a token here
  4. Click on Generate Token.
  5. Insert the Token Description eg. dockerhub_token.
  6. In permissions make sure to select Read and Write.
  7. Click on Create.
  8. Copy the access token and paste it in Dokploy Docker Hub Modal section.
  9. (Optional) If you pretend to use Cluster Feature, make sure to set a Image Prefix and Registry URL.
  10. Click on Test to make sure everything is working.
  11. Click on Create to save the registry.

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