

Configure telegram notifications for your applications.

Telegram notifications are a great way to stay up to date with important events in your Dokploy panel. You can choose to receive notifications for specific events or all events.

Telegram Notifications

For start receiving telegram notifications, you need to fill the form with the following details:

  • Name: Enter any name you want.
  • Bot Token: Enter the bot token. eg. 123456789:ABCdefGHIjklMNOPqrstUVWXYZ
  • Chat ID: Enter the chat ID. eg. 123456789

To Setup the telegram notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and click on Start Bot.
  2. Type /newbot and click on Start.
  3. Set a name for your bot, eg. dokploy_bot make sure the name ends with _bot.
  4. Copy the Bot Token and paste it in Dokploy Telegram Modal section.
  5. Now you need to get the Chat ID, or create a new Channel
  6. Search this bot in the search bar @userinfobot.
  7. Type /start and it will return the chat ID.
  8. Copy the Chat ID and paste it in Dokploy Telegram Modal section.
  9. Click on test to make sure everything is working.
  10. Click on Create to save the notification.

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