S3 Destinations

Cloudflare R2

Configure R2 buckets for backup storage. This includes setting up access keys, secret keys, bucket names, regions, and endpoints.

Cloudflare is a popular choice for hosting static assets, such as images, videos, and documents. It is a cloud-based service that allows you to store and retrieve data from anywhere in the world. This is a great option for storing backups, as it is easy to set up and manage.

  1. Create a new bucket and any name you want.
  2. Go to initial R2 Screen, and go to Manager R2 API Tokens and create a new token.
  3. Set a Token Name
  4. Set Object Read & Write Permission.
  5. (Optional) Set Specify bucket, by default it will include all buckets.
  6. Create the token.

Now copy the following variables:

  • Access Key -> Access Key (Dokploy) = eg. f3811c6d27415a9s6cv943b6743ad784
  • Secret Key -> Secret Key (Dokploy) = eg. aa55ee40b4049e93b7252bf698408cc22a3c2856d2530s7c1cb7670e318f15e58
  • Region -> Region (Dokploy) = eg. WNAM, ENAM, etc it will depend on the region you are using.
  • Endpoint -> Endpoint (Dokploy) = eg.
  • Bucket -> Bucket (Dokploy) = eg. dokploy-backups use the name of the bucket you created.

Test the connection and you should see a success message.

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